Well its not worse than MS Paint Adventures....
Holy shit that was hilarious.
Man, this thread delivers.
Willard, your IP has moved onto greener pastures I'm afraid... ![]() |
oh s_o
can your next ms paint adventure be about two guys who love to play video games? |
just did a little paintover of your skethc. I think if you bring everything a little more closer, it will look better. And try to get used to spotting subtle details. in the reference pic, he looks really focussed, almost angry, but in your pic, hes smiling
![]() I just moved all your bits tighter together, and painted a few more higher contrasts. though, my paintover doesnt really look like the reference, i think just being a little more aware of structure and adding more contrasts really help the likeness. ![]() Also, your pic reminded me of the auto pilot on the film 'flying High', or as it was called in the U.S.A, 'Airplane' ![]() |
You figured me out bro, I toke for broke! ![]() |
Hella Jeff looks like some stupid guy I know that lives in Vancouver.
You better watch it, making fun of our fatass mods will get you infracted.
Dodge/burn tools are awful and look awful. It's like pooping all over the computer. The more likely thing he was doing was having the brush opacity set to pen pressure and using a darker and/or lighter color over the base. there are several ways to go about it, but what you'll probably find easiest is to make a new layer in photoshop and set it to multiply. everything on that layer will darken the colors on the ones below it. do not use black though, use a dark blue or a violet. For highlights I dont remember, maybe overlay, I havent done it this way in a while. Also, S_O I love you |
Oh dear lord. S_O, thank you. I laughed so hard at that first comic it brought tears to my eyes.
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hahaha, the best part I just realized is that in the 3rd panel of the stairs comic you can still see the end of the word "pants" as it was copied directly from the first comic.
Shit S_O you're work's like a fucking onion. |
You mean it stinks and makes you cry?
lol d-robe, and lol s_o. lol everybody.
you know, doing a paintover on that pic's not a bad idea, i can fix the little things that have been bugging me. also, what pic reminds you of the autopilot?
ahhhh, i was wondering what that thing pointing out "multiply" on one of the layers was, i had no idea what it did and as such, what he was trying to show me. and thanks for the image of my computer covered in poop btw, hahaha. and only 2 panels on that last one S_O? come on, don't start slackin now, you'll disappoint us, your fans. |
I come bearing a gift, but we'll get to that in a minute.
I never came in here with the intention of "learning to draw the easy way" or any other douchy cries for attention/validation/praise. What i did come here for was some help from the source. i know i can't draw, i never claimed otherwise, but as i have said, i'm all we've got. I got my friends started reading Penny Arcade (rhombus has become synonymous with bitch and acts as the basis for an endless stream of jokes and shit-talking) and sometime after that we started thinking of some of the funnier shit that we come up with/happens to us in comic form. You know "hey, that would be hilarious if it was a comic where...and in the next panel..." you get the idea. However, none of us can draw, i am, quite literally, the best we've got. And since it was Penny Arcade that started the shenanigans, i thought it would be the best place to seek out some help. Let's look at the guitar analogy again. Say my friend's band needs to practice but their guitarist is sick, they've heard i can kind of play the song they need to practice and ask me to stand in. So if i decide that first i'm going to ask some actual guitarists for help with that one song, and only that one song that i can kind of play, i don't see how that's an excuse to morph into a complete douchetool (yes, that's my favorite product of my talent for creating new insults via amalgamation) and emit an endless stream of "fuck off, fuck off, fuck off..." until i give up. Not that i'm pointing fingers...this is the internet, i type names: Metalbourne. And while we're on the topic, i know imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but stop trying to combine words into new insults...just...stop. See douchetool works because you are a douche and a tool, vagbooger works because having a booger in your vag would be disgusting and annoying, and assnugget...well that's just a turd. See how that works? But bitchburgler? Cockdoubler? How does one burgle bitches? You're just throwing random words together and it pales in comparison. And anyone that is taking the stance of me being unreasonable, or responding poorly to criticism, go back and read through the thread. The only time i started slinging shit back at Metal was when he issued a personal attack. A comment that had nothing to do with anything other than insulting me and calling me "a lazy fuck." Yes, i'm SO lazy. So incredibly lazy because i moved across the country and am building a successful career as a game designer and don't want to switch gears completely and become a graphic designer so that i can better entertain my friends and other random people that happen by occassionally and get a giggle at our jokes. My friends and i come up with so many comics that never make it to completion because i become so frustrated with my inability to draw and fighting with photoshop that i just don't finish them out of disgust. Where would Penny Arcade be if Tycho (Jerry) didn't have Gabe (Mike)? It never would have happened because either A) Jerry's inability to draw would have gotten it completely ignored or B) Jerry's inability to draw prevents him from even trying. (not that i'm claiming to be as funny as PA) I thought, at the time, that it would be a good idea to get some help from experienced people that i can actually interact with (books don't answer specific questions well very often) so i could at least stop yelling "fuck you wanglicker!" at photoshop while i'm trying to draw with what little artistic ability i have. yes, it is amateurish; i am an amateur who only ever took a single art class in high school. I would like to become a better artist so that can live up to my part of our little endeavor, but i'm not looking to dedicate my life to it. And to S_O: what the hell man? I was so disappointed to have returned here after such a long absence and find nothing new from the world of Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. Yes, i do get it, by the way, you're mocking me, i just don't care. My jokingly asking how high you get when you write this stuff was commentary on the type of random "wtf!?" Adult Swim style humor your mockery has. Adult Swim, of course, the type of programming that generally caters to those stoned off their ass. I like how you mocked my question in the comic that followed by capitalizing random words, very clever...really. But it was pretty damn funny in it's randomness and i'm serious when i state my disappointment at it's apparent conclusion. So yes, I am sorry. I'm sorry that i entered and asked for help without realizing this place is for professional and aspiring to be professional artists only. I'm sorry if i didn't explain my position early or clearly enough to avoid some of this douchestorm, even if that meant everyone just ignored me or i was booted. I'm even sorry i felt the need to defend myself when comments went from criticism of my drawing to an attack on me personally, i know better. I know a fuckstick (that would be a cock, dick, wiener, prick, etc.) who likes to make himself feel superior on an internet forum because he knows that forum is the only place where he will ever matter enough to get away with such antics and i know better than to play into their ego-stroking, but i faltered. So i am, in fact, sorry. So i present to you a gift. My latest comic that i actually finished to mock and poke fun, or giggle at, whichever grants you the most satisfaction. It took me much longer to finish than i would have liked (even though i started trying out a "sketchy" style that actually works with my lack of artistic ability and lets me draw everything out faster than my others) and so the joke is not at the height of relevance i would have preferred. Why did it take me so long if it still looks like butt? Apparently you haven't been reading the thread... The Prestige Edition comes with what!? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I now realize that those goggle devices are plugged into the people's heads, but that one guy in the last panel still looks to me like he's wearing a tomato cap. Which is awesome, tomato caps should be a real thing.
This comic would be about 100 times better if it was just the last panel.
holy footgrobbling nintendoscrobbledoos
someone light the S_O beacon stat i get what you're saying with the guitar analogy i guess but you really lost me where you started chastising people for making up insults. |
Queen of Poops |
too many words, not enough art.
The AC wouldn't be the AC if people like him didn't come around to tell us how horrible we are. We are horrible. We are the AC.
It tickles me pink that I pissed someone off so bad that they feel the need to bring it up eight months later.
The best part is still Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff. The guys so hella sweet that reality itself came apart.
Chill the fuck out dude.
People here tried to help you (Beavotron, Metal) You told them in so many words that you aren't interested in learning to draw, you're just doing this for some friends. Which essentially turns your thread into a showcase thread, which we kind of frown on.
Sorry, but that makes it a bad comic. You have to understand that the expressiveness of the image is what sells the joke. The best example I can think of is Calvin and Hobbes. Did you ever read it? If you did, try and recount the number of times in your head that you laughed at only the pictures. I know I can think of a lot of times personally. If you didn't read it, then do so. Actually, pick up the tenth anniversary book, because as far as I'm concerned it is filled with sage advice, useful insights, and a window into the mind of one of the better cartoonists to ever pick up a pencil. The only reason anybody has insulted you is because you're being kind of an idiot. If you want to improve your drawing, learn some of the basics. You don't have to spend decades mastering the figure, composition, lighting, color theory, etc. Just sit down, and get over yourself, and draw. |
That guy in the holla hoodie looks like some stupid boyfriend I have in Vancouver.
Also, that's a huge improvement from the first time you posted that. Here are some things I think you could benefit from: - Perspective. One point on the horizon is all you need to convey a "distance" - it's super easy to learn and it'll help you a lot for every aspect of a comic. - Cleaning up your lines! I know it can be a cool style to have 'em all shaggy and such, but it does nothing for your piece when you run out of room for pupils and end up just making them smaller so they'll fit. - Don't use Comic Sans. It is the #1 rule of comics - there are plenty of free font packs out there with really cool comic fonts that will probably feel a little more natural. |
I can't seem to find the rest of your comics anywhere. Do you have an imageshack account you have them archived on or...
Check again bro! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() He's even featured various quotes and references to SweetBro and HellaJeff in his newest adventure "Homestuck" (Click Abscond to begin)http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=002771 http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=002565 There's also a wiki http://sbhj.wikia.com/wiki/Sweet_Bro_and_Hella_Jeff_Wiki |
Worry Pig |
blambot is a good place to start and i suggest hitting the questions/tutorials sticky and grabbing the loomis books. they are pretty handy for basic layout stuff (such as perspective as mully noted above). |
Usagi's rocktopus Mayor of Otteropolis |
never change AC
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I did not know that S_O was Andrew. This thread is informative.
What I like most about the recent post is the rant about combining expletives. I'll be waffledamned if I can agree though. So if the duder is still around: No. Most people on here aren't professionals. You don't have to be a paid professional to be good at art. You're overreacting. Look at Beavo's new thread about artists/criticism (which contradicts all the bullshit Metal was posting, but is still the philosophy of the forum). As Mully said, work on perspective, clean up your lines, work on anatomy, don't use comic sans. These are things you should do if you care about your comic looking good. If you don't care about making your comic worth our time to look at, then don't expect us to care about your comic. That's just generally how life works. It's like giving me a story filled with grammatical failures, poor sentence structure, and a terrible plot. Sure, I can tell you how to make it better, but if your intent isn't to be a great writer, then why the hell are you giving it to me to read? I'm not your friend, I don't know you, if my advice isn't going to be taken seriously, then don't ask for it. Your friends are there to pat you on the back and enjoy your novice work. The outside world is far less sympathetic. This is what it is to live amongst other humans. Learn to deal with it. You can't complain when people tell you that you're doing a bad job and you need to learn how to do better. Wait, I'm sorry, you CAN complain. Keep doing that. It's helpful and everyone cares. [pre-emptive edit] Oh wait, people already said these exact same things on page 2 and you just didn't get it. Wonderful. Granted, Metal is a complete tool, but he DOES say true things that other people say like normal people...he just says them like a rabid dog jacked up on straight horse dick. It's totally inappropriate nonetheless, and I'm pretty sure it's happened less since last March. |
God damn Andrew how are you so awesome.
Last post in this thread was almost 2 years ago.
You really had to bring it back from the grave just to say that? |
To someone who hasn't posted here in probably close to 3 years
Poopmaster General Yobutt |
Also, OP, draw more from life!
Do it.. do it two years ago. |
This is like a present, though, because I was trying to find this thread to show someone and I could not.
Has this thread been archived?